The 5th Dimension - Aquarius (1969)
este es un nuevo aporte de
nuestra querida y estimada
amiga "Desconocida "
THx 5TH DxMxNSxxN - XQxxRxxS
01 - Aquarius - Let the Sunshine In (The Flesh Failures)
02 - Blowing Away
03 - Skinny Man
04 - Wedding Bell Blues
05 - Don'tcha Hear Me Callin' To Ya
06 - The Hideaway
07 - Workin' on a Groovy Thing
08 - Let it Be Me
09 - Sunshine of Your Love
10 - The Winds of Heaven
11 - Those Were the Days
12 - Let the Sunshine In (Reprise)
13 - Chissa Se Tornera
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