jueves, 14 de junio de 2007

NAT KING COLE - 28 grandes canciones

NAT KING COLE - 28 grandes canciones

it's only a paper moon
straighten up and fly right
route 66

i love you

natural boy

too young


walkin' my baby back homeç
orange colored sky
send for me

a blossom fell
mona lisa

quizas, quizas, quizas
on the street where you live
almost like being in love
darling, je vous aime
ramblin' rose

let there be love
you stepped out of s dream
when i fall in love

let's face the music and dance
just one of those things
day in - day out
thou swell

unforgettable- con natalie cole

Este es otro aporte enviado por el amigo
Christian Cienfuegos y que se encuentra
entre los "recuerdos de pamaco".
Agradecido amigo Christian.


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